Fat Dissolving


Fat Dissolving Treatments for Your Face & Body

For your face

Have you been looking for a way to get that v-shaped facial line without invasive procedures? Fat dissolving injections could be an excellent option! It’s called mesotherapy and it only takes small, medical-grade needles. The solution will slowly start breaking up fat cells so they can no longer store any extra energy in them which leaves your skin firm and youthful.

Kybella® was the first injectable of its kind to be approved by the FDA in 2015. It is most commonly used to target fat beneath the chin and has received a great deal of attention since its market debut. Kybella® contains synthetic forms of deoxycholic acid, which is a compound that occurs naturally in the human body. Although it has only been approved for use in this specific area, many patients report satisfaction with their results and there is ongoing research regarding Kybella’s potential application to other areas of concern.

Also approved by the FDA is Phosphatidylcholine deoxycholate (PCDC). PCDC is a micro-injection that is injected locally into the targeted treatment areas. The fat cells absorb the PCDC and become slightly inflamed and then harden. The hardened fat cells break down within a few weeks and are eliminated via the body’s natural processes.

We offer both of these top-of-the-line solutions at Blue Sky Laser & Tox.

Face & Body Non Invasive Fat Dissolving Treatment In Arlington VA

For your body

We offer two of the best options for dissolving fat from various areas on the body. These stubborn areas can be targeted by safe and effective treatments: Kybella® & PCDC.

Kybella® was the first injectable of its kind to be approved by the FDA in 2015. It is most commonly used to target fat beneath the chin and has received a great deal of attention since its market debut. Kybella® contains synthetic forms of deoxycholic acid, which is a compound that occurs naturally in the human body. Although it has only been approved for use in this specific area, many patients report satisfaction with their results and there is ongoing research regarding Kybella’s potential application to other areas of concern.

Also approved by the FDA is Phosphatidylcholine deoxycholate (PCDC). PCDC is a micro-injection that is injected locally into the targeted treatment areas. The fat cells absorb the PCDC and become slightly inflamed and then harden. The hardened fat cells break down within a few weeks and are eliminated via the body’s natural processes.

We offer both of these top-of-the-line solutions at Blue Sky Laser & Tox.

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